Frankly some academics and officials have lost the plot haven't they. It was a choice they made in the face of determined opposition. They'd be wise to change their course but will they? Or do they so enjoy perversion and illness, they want to encourage perversion from a young age so when they go down (which they will) they will try to take others with them?
It could be they are also paid a lot of money to promote perversion. In which case they are intellectual prostitutes who don't care about the lives they damage. So very like a mind-control religious cult we know.
It is unkind. But as this lady shows, you have a choice, you can stand up and say 'no' to these people.
UKC Interview: Kim Isherwood protecting our children from Religious and Sex Education (
The direction comes from UN policy and next minute is in national system and enacted in local councils. This affects every child yet to be born. It is all unscientific. It is very sinister and damaging. Babies are being abused.
Note she says no support from the churches and parents are being told their views are old fashioned.